GMAT Test Day Tips for a 700 Plus Score
Taking the GMAT can give any application form an extra weight and secures more chances of standing out, be it for admission or an internal scholarship. In a way,it’s right to think GMAT is a decider of your career and its very direction. No wonder there is so much pressure on the test day!
However, if you have attended a strategy session and decided your target score, worked on your time management and taken plenty of mock tests to get the hang of it, there’s little else to do but just going and taking the GMAT exam. And, if you have set your goal score at 700 or above, well more power to you!
Here are a few tips to keep you on track:
Managing Time and Staying Fresh for the Test
GMATpreparation on the long haul could be seriously exhausting. Candidates report fatigue and lack of focus in the exam hall after surviving a gruelling prep time. So that something like this doesn’t impact your performance, you have to take a few measures beforehand:
- Do not schedule the last leg of your exam preparation in a little window of time, rather distribute it over the last couple of days.
- Reserve enough time for a restful sleep before coming to the exam centre.
- Pick the right time slot at the exam for your convenience
- Schedule the exam during the morning or anytime in the day when you will be at your most energetic form. Practice staying focussed in this time from days earlier.
- Carry fluids and a light snack to stay hydrated and feeling good.
Last-Minute Prep and Revision- Yay or Nay?
Pick up nothing new to feed your brain in the last hours! You might already be saturated with enough data to articulate rightly at the test, introducing something new may cause a breakdown.
While revision is considered an efficient method of study, you must make it a point to get done with it a few days before the GMAT examis scheduled. The last day should be spent mimicking the actual exam day with a mock test sheet to aid and the last few hours should be kept for nothing else but relaxation and culturing some mindfulness!
What to Carry In Your GMAT Test Day Kitty?
Here’s what to carry:
Your ID (one set): it must comply with your local id requirements, and the name and date of birth must be on the ID exactly matching your GMAT registration.
The appointment confirmation for your GMAT
A water bottle or energy drink
Energy boosters like nuts, protein bars, or a protein sandwich to keep you going through 4 long hours
Things Carrying Which Might Get You In Trouble at the Exam Center
Possession of certain kinds of things may cancel your eligibility of sitting the exam. These are things you shouldn’t be carrying:
Weapons (arrange for permits if you are a law enforcement personnel)
Calculators, blank sheet of paper, written or printed sheets of paper, notes
For other items like phones, books, watches,etc., you may keep them in your locker.
What’s a Good time to Reach the Exam Center?
Target reaching half an hour early at the least to secure some buffer time for the road and the formalities to follow at the exam centre.
What to Do During the Breaks?
You will be given 8-minute breaks at the beginning and end of section 1 and 2, which must be accepted onscreen and taken to utilise immediately. Use this time to use the restroom or perform a light flexing exercise to unwind. Come right back with 2-3 minutes still at hand to re-verify your credentials for entering the test room.
Strategy for Selecting Section Order
It is best to start with your stronger area to select between the sections- Quant or Verbal AWA and IR. Get an idea from taking your mock tests before arriving at the GMAT exam.
How to Get Help at the Test?
Lastly, contact your invigilator for any maladjustment present in the test room setting before the exam starts.
These tips will surely help you score well at the test!