Category: Health

Alcohol Withdrawal 0

Factors that Affect the Severity of Alcohol Withdrawal

499 ViewsThe severity of alcohol withdrawal can vary significantly from person to person. Some individuals may experience mild symptoms that are easily managed, while others may experience severe symptoms that require medical intervention. Understanding...

Collagen Peptides Actually 0

Do Collagen Peptides Actually Work?

437 ViewsCollagen is a very important compound in our bodies that we know very little about. However, that is not the case anymore since in the last couple of years people have gotten to...

Mental retardation 0

What is Down syndrome?

1,256 ViewsA genetic alteration (an extra chromosome in pair number 21) causes Down syndrome, which causes the baby to be born with a variable degree of mental disability, characteristic physical features, and some associated...

A Tanning Trouble 0

What A Tanning Trouble!?

1,229 ViewsAs inventions of man have reached the stars and back we still seem to improve ourselves to achieve better every single time. Sunbathing popular feature abroad where individuals bask in the glory of...