Family Fly Fishing Trip


The guys in our family have been  fly fishing  for years. I’m pretty sure my great grandfather started the tradition of our guys fishing trip. We’ve continued it, and now my son who just turned 10 is old enough to go with us and enjoy it too.

The trip pretty much consists of our family, and a couple of close family friends. It’s myself, my dad, my uncle, 2 of my cousins, one of their sons, my son and 2 family friends.

It’s a really fun time, and when the kids get bored with fishing, they have each other for company. We always bring a game system for the boys so it isn’t miserable for them having a child’s attention span and all.

Since we’re so into fly fishing, my family will only purchase really great quality gear. We used to get everything from a local place. Last year the place was sold and to be quite frank the new ownership is not very good.

To be honest it wasn’t even their products, although they did stop selling a few brands that we liked and replaced them with their own personal preferences. What really solidified our feelings was the customer service. They just weren’t friendly or helpful. So we all set out to find something better.

We all sat down to do our own research, excluding the children of course. It was funny because even though we all brought up a few different options, the one that we all had in common was Trouts Fly Fishing. Not that we all had to choose the same place to get our equipment, but it could potentially make things easier for us at some point.

We only needed to start small with our products, since we had most of the major stuff that we needed. Eventually I’d be purchasing a fly rod from them for my son when he was big enough to take care of his own gear.

One of the things that my cousin and I were really impressed with was the amount of resources that they had when it came to learning about fly fishing. It would be really helpful to both of our sons in the learning process. It was such a cool added benefit to using Trouts Fly Fishing.

We just took our trip a couple of weeks ago, and while we were away a friend of ours broke his fly fishing rod, which is what we call a fly fishing emergency. Our friend was beside himself because the trip is specifically for us all to fish.

We were on the phone with Trouts Fly Fishing and before we knew it the rod was being shipped overnight to us at our hotel. You really can’t beat customer service like that.

Once that was taken care of, everything else went smoothly and we had a blast, as we usually do. The crisis was averted, and we were back on track to enjoy the rest of our trip.

I think we all agreed that if we had known how much Trouts Fly Fishing had to offer, we would have made the switch sooner. They’re just an awesome company. Our family and friends recommend them to anyone who will listen while we’re on our trips. We’re super happy with our decision.

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